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Skull Rock


Skull Rock is a 2.7km trek from the Jumbo Rock campground or if you are driving, you can park your car pretty much next to it.  It is also great for late afternoon photography as there are minimal shades, and colours are once again nice and soft.  In the morning the skull is in shadow so it doesn't create a good opportunity for photography. You have to be very patient when taking your photo as most of the time, you see people sit inside the “eye sockets” and refuse to leave. 



Arch Rock


Arch Rock is less than 10km east from the Jumbo Rock campground. There is an 0.5km loop trail which goes around amazing giant rocks. The trailhead is near the small parking area opposite campsite #9 at White Tank Campground.  It is definitely worth the trip and once again, better opportunities for photos are in the late afternoon.  Many photographers also use this arch for night photography.



Hidden Valley


The nature trail is 14.5km west from the Jumbo Rock campground towards the Joshua Tree Visitor Centre. There is a 1.6km loop which starts at the Hidden Valley picnic area. 



Cholla Cactus Garden


Also known as Teddy Bear Cactus, because it looks so cuddly.  The garden is located less than 21km east from the Jumbo Rock campground towards the Cottonwood Visitor Centre. The trail is only a 0.4km long loop.  The garden is famous for it's jumping cholla, named for its tendency to attach their needles to anything nearby and then refusing to let go. We found this when multiple needles stuck to our boots and unfortunately our legs as well.  We can tell you that it is very painful to remove these needles.  We had to use pliers and it was quite hard to get them out.  The wounds tend to bleed a lot.  


These were better to photograph just after sunrise but be careful and stay away from their needles!!!



Joshua Trees


Joshua Trees are the largest from the Yucca tree family.  Their name was given by Mormon settlers.  The tree's shape reminded them of a Biblical story in which Joshua reaches his hands up to the sky in prayer.  They are a great subject for photography.


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